Pricing Because we are hoping to attract a broad base of participants, we are trying to keep pricing affordable for as many students as possible.
Year One: Becoming Students are required to complete the year of "Exploring" as a pre-requisite of entering the Spiritual Direction Certificate program. At the end of "Exploring", students may apply for the certificate program.
Your investment for the second year, academic skill building = only $1,500. This breaks down to a little over $150 per session for the more intensive, full day of instruction and interaction. We will often have guest teachers and presenters. Enrollment will open after review of applications and approval for continuation. Year Two: Engaging Your investment for the third year, supervision & specialization = only $1,000. This breaks down to a little over $100 per session for small group supervision & learning.
Total Investment for your Certificate in Spiritual Direction, including the "Explore" program = only $3,500.
Policies & Principles Course Policies
Attendance at all sessions is a priority. Community is created best with a stable, consistent group that can rely on each other. If for any reason you cannot attend, please notify your facilitator immediately. Zeitgeist Exploring sessions are the second Saturday of each month, September – May, from 9:00 am – noon.
Confidentiality is a core value of Zeitgeist. We ask that when you are outside of these walls, you refrain from discussing any personal information from any fellow members. We all choose to create trust with a commitment to value confidentiality.
Assignments will include a variety of material including books, articles, podcasts, videos etc. It is expected that students will create time to review assigned material in order to fully participate at each session.
Participation will include discussion of ideas presented in materials, sharing of one’s personal experience and perspective, as well as actively engaging with others in a compassionate and respectful manner. Everyone’s learning is enhanced by exposure to different experiences and outlooks; we are hoping you will experience a sense of safety, allowing you to be bold and honest.
Spiritual Narrative is the story of your own spiritual journey. Each student will craft an expression of their own narrative before the end of the Zeitgeist Exploring program. Creativity is encouraged; students may present in music, visual arts, storytelling, writing etc. It is key for participants to value and understand their own subjective spiritual experience as they move through a broader community.
Personal Spiritual Director relationship is required for participation in Zeitgeist Exploring. For students who are not already in a Direction relationship, your facilitator can help you find a good fit.
Tuition payment is to be submitted before August 2019 in order to begin the Zeitgeist Exploring program. Installment payments are an option via PayPal (including with your credit card).
Course Principles
Diversity and Inclusivity: Zeitgeist Spiritual Direction Training Program is passionately committed to respecting and celebrating diversity and inclusivity in all areas
Faith, spiritual tradition and expression
Ethnic and racial
Gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation
Physical ability and neurodiversity
It is our expectation that all participants will share an enthusiasm for connecting with others, both alike and different from themselves. There will be no tolerance for language or behavior that disrespects another person.
2. Theological Stance:Zeitgeist does not promote a particular faith position, allowing participants to find their own language and understanding for their own journey. We welcome those who are active in an established faith tradition, and those who are in the process of discovering where they might fit.
All classes are conducted at the Zeitgeist offices: 2302 Parklake Drive NE, Suite 425 Atlanta, GA 30345