Enrollment is now closed for the 2024 cohort. Look for news next Spring about the next cohort. |
Carl McColman a spiritual director, retreat leader, and internationally known speaker and teacher on mystical spirituality and contemplative living. He is the author of many books, including The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism, Eternal Heart: The Mystical Path to a Joyful Life, and Unteachable Lessons: Why Wisdom Can’t Be Taught and Why That’s Okay. Carl’s approach to contemplation and mysticism is inclusive and expansive; they are dedicated to exploring the common ground between faith traditions, with a particular interest in the connecting points between Christian, Buddhist and Pagan wisdom. In December of 2023, Carl formally joined Red Clay Sangha of Atlanta, and continues as an adherent of Buddhist practices. They are also Zeitgeist's Contemplative in Residence. |
Bec Cranford is a Bapticostal Misfit floating in the Mystic, Interfaith, Ecumenical, and Spiritual Waters. She’s a long time abolitionist, advocate for Atlanta’s #unhoused, and believes in harm reduction. She’s taught contextual education (practical ministry) for 10 years at Candler School of Theology. She has served in various amazing organizations, including Wild Goose Festival, Center for Progressive Renewal, The Ministry Collaborative, Policing Alternatives and Diversion, and many more. Bec holds a BS in Practical Theology, and a Masters of Divinity, but she likes to believe her Masters of Divination came from Hogwarts. Bec resides in West Georgia and likes walking in the woods and making messes with acrylic. |
Karen Cote has a heart for contemplative living, spiritual development, and social justice. Karen serves on the Racial Healing and Justice Ministry of the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Georgia working to inform, educate and reconcile injustices related to racism. She is a graduate from the inaugural cohort of Richard Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation’s Living School. Karen is an experienced workshop leader, focusing on contemplative practices and the Enneagram to provide a lens for noticing and awakening to transformation in our lives. Grounded in the mystical tradition, she creates a brave space that is open and affirming to all persons seeking deeper connections with self, God and others. She received certification as a Spiritual Director from Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology and a Master of Theological Studies from Lexington Theological Seminary. |
Stacey Atkins has most recently studied Celtic Shamanic practices through Embracing Shamanism in Inverness, Scotland. Stacey is a believer in inter-spiritual faith and non-dualism and a Certified Spiritual Director through Zeitgeist's own Spiritual Direction Training Program. Her Master's of Theological Studies is from Perkins School of Theology as she was raised in the Methodist Church and still worships there as a strong ally for the LGBTQ+ community. Stacey is a cancer survivor, and focuses her work as a spiritual direction practice companioning those who are experiencing a life-threatening illness and their caregivers. |
Doing that becomes Being
Creativity as Spirit
Who does Godde say you are? Do cultural constructs agree?
From last year: Exec Director Debonee and Dr Kim talk
about the cohort for Sept 23. This year will be a little different, but with the same vibe. :) |
Our podcast episode (Summer 2020) interviewing Debonee and students about their experience in Exploring.